
There are about 30 million households in Bangladesh that use traditional stoves for cooking – in rural and urban areas. The fuel used for cooking is biomass, for instance– cow dung, agricultural waste, wood etc. The traditional stoves are fuel-inefficient, consume large quantity of biomass and thus cause tree felling. The biomass consumption for cooking amounts to more than 60 million tons a year. This high amount of biomass consumption has crossed the limit of sustainability; the diminishing of forest is the result of this. Moreover, the traditional stoves are a major contributor to indoor and outdoor air pollution resulting in almost 50,000 deaths of young children and women per year and serious health problems for millions of women.  With the population growth, urbanization and development, the consumption of wooden biomass for cooking is expected to increase, which will make the situation worse.

To avert the situation, the scientists have been urging for universal adoption of fuel-efficient and environment-friendly cookstoves. The Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) has developed different models of improved cook stoves (ICS) suitable and acceptable for use in the households of Bangladesh. German Development Cooperation, GIZ Bangladesh adopted this ICS, branded it as “Bondhu Chula” and undertook initiatives to promote this all over Bangladesh. In recent years, several organizations, namely World Bank, USAID and Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves have come forward to promote ICS in Bangladesh.

GIZ has been promoting ICS in Bangladesh since 2006. Department of Environment (DoE) under the Ministry of Environment of Forests has been working with GIZ in the dissemination of ICS. Till March, 5.0 million ICS have been installed. 

  1. Goal

The goal of the Bondhu Chula project is to initiate a radical change in the cook stove sector of Bangladesh and create a sustainable market for improved cookstoves.

  1. Objectives

The objectives of the project are:

(1) Creating entrepreneurs for environment-friendly cookstoves who will produce and sell improved stoves and provide after-sales services,

(2) Raising awareness,

(3) Making demand and supply chain,

(4) Replacing traditional cookstoves by environment-friendly cookstoves,

(5) Accelerating the use of environment-friendly cook stoves. 

What is Bondhu Chula? 

Bondhu Chula is a stove designed for fuel efficiency, health benefits, and environmental friendliness. It plays an instrumental role in safeguarding the environment at the family, national, and global levels. The Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU) is a front-runner in promoting Bondhu Chula initiatives across the country, aligning with the development programs of the Government of Bangladesh and contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Local governments, particularly union parishads, play a pivotal role in implementing these initiatives. Local entrepreneurs are responsible for manufacturing and selling the stoves, while Bondhu Chula doctors handle installation and after-sales services. BONDHU ensures that each family receives one Bondhu Chula at a subsidized price. With proper maintenance, these stoves can be used for a minimum of five years.

Bondhu Foundation conventional stoves

Disadvantages of Using Traditional Stoves

  1. Higher Fuel Wastage: Traditional stoves contribute to significant fuel wastage, with approximately 1.5 billion maunds (1 maund equals 40 KG) of fuel being consumed annually for cooking in the country.
  2. Health Risks: The use of conventional stoves poses health risks to all family members, leading to various diseases caused by smoke, including asthma, headaches, cancer, and eye irritation. This results in millions of premature deaths among women and children in Bangladesh. Additionally, the kitchen environment becomes saturated, and cookware becomes dirty.
  3. Damage to Kitchen Infrastructure: Traditional stoves contribute to faster damage to kitchen tin, impacting the durability of kitchen infrastructure.
  4. Increased Time for Fuel Collection: Gathering wood fuel for traditional stoves is time-consuming. The higher fuel demand leads to excessive tree cutting, contributing to deforestation and disrupting the environmental balance.
  5. Environmental Imbalance: Traditional stoves emit more carbon dioxide, escalating the risk of climate change. This, in turn, leads to various natural disasters such as excessive rainfall, droughts, floods, and other environmental imbalances.


Bondhu Foundation Bondhu stove advantages

Advantages of Bondhu Chula

  1. Preserves Kitchen Infrastructure: Bondhu Chula minimizes damage to kitchen tin, ensuring the longevity of kitchen infrastructure.
  1. Efficient Fuel Collection: The stove requires less time for fuel collection, streamlining the cooking process.
  2. Significant Fuel Savings: Proper utilization of Bondhu Chula results in more than a 50% reduction in fuel consumption, promoting resource efficiency.
  3. Smoke and Pollution-Free Cooking: Bondhu Chula ensures a clean kitchen environment by minimizing smoke and pollution during cooking.
  4. Reduced Kitchen Cleanup: With Bondhu Chula, kitchens remain cleaner, with less accumulation of kitchen ink, and pots and pans require less cleaning.
  1. Environmental Conservation: Bondhu Chula contributes to reduced deforestation, fostering the possibility of creating natural forests.
  1. Carbon Emission Reduction: The use of Bondhu Chula leads to the emission of at least 1.5 tons less carbon dioxide per year, actively reducing the risk of climate change.

Working Area

Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU)

Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU) has Bondhu Chula projects all over the Bangladesh. BONDHU is Implementing Bondhu Chula projects in almost every district of Bangladesh.

Our Contacts

Reach out us if you are committed to working for climate action and intend to bring a positive change in the environment of Bangladesh through mitigation and adaptation to climate change and want to fight environmental degradation together.